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Cancel culture? - by The_Real_Zeus

Comments (3)

@SugarDaddy please name and shame. I had the same yesterday with an independent lady and it’s frustrating as hell!

Comment posted by: Kallie
(17 Aug 2023 2:43 PM)

I have experienced many ladies cancelling last minute so it goes both ways.
I used to get a lot of my bookings cancelled at the last minute by independent ladies. Now I prefer to make use of the services of ladies working at a venue where there is a system and structure in place. 
I personally don’t just cancel or switch appointments as it bites you in the ass down the line, just my experience.

Comment posted by: TheFan
(21 Jul 2023 9:39 AM)

It is truly astonishing to hear that there are clients who book a session but fail to show up. As a punter who values everyones time,  I can't help but express my disbelief at the increasing occurrence of this issue. I've heard numerous complaints from the ladies, highlighting the prevalent cancel culture that seems to be affecting their livelihoods. 

Not only does this irresponsibility create a significant financial burden for them, but it also means they miss the opportunity to book other clients who would have undoubtedly honored their commitments.

One cannot help but wonder if this behavior reflects a developing trend in our society. Is there a growing lack of concern for others' time and efforts? It is disheartening to see that some individuals no longer value the importance of keeping promises and respecting others' schedules.

As a professional, I firmly believe in the principle of treating others as I would like to be treated. I would never dream of booking a session and then not showing up without a legitimate reason. Such behavior not only affects the business but also impacts the morale and dedication of the hardworking professionals involved.

What happened to reliability and mutual respect? 

Comment posted by: The_Real_Zeus
(20 Jul 2023 3:20 PM)

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