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Keep it safe out there...... - by Pretoria Escorts

Comments (25)

Its sad that we have to live like this but it is what it is. I currently work alone and have been threatened many times that my whereabouts will be disclosed to the body corp ect and most of the times it's just threats but it does play on ones mind. I use two phones and my private phone has all my banking apps and stuff on so its relatively safe there, I hope!

Comment posted by: Sage
(17 Oct 2022 4:59 AM)

I had to abandon my Facebook account after being scammed but luckily I discovered this late one evening and deleted my account before anyone could see. I must admit having sleepless nights after wandering if my friend list had been screen shotted. WTF this is a crazy world we live in.

Comment posted by: Pieter83
(16 Oct 2022 7:41 PM)

I wouldn't dream of giving out my personal information, I have way to much to lose. Even my calling name is not my real name.

Comment posted by: Greywolf
(16 Oct 2022 4:05 PM)

I can confirm the giving out of private numbers is a grave mistake. Years ago I gave out my private number and was stalked for months by Nigerians (could tell by the distinctive accent) saying that I owed money as the money I had paid with was false. I was shocked when I discovered where they had found my number as only one lady had my private number and it turns out she was threatened with her life and eventually gave in to the pressure. It's easy to say just ignore them, they have means. These days I use a burner phone that doesn't even have WhatsApp on it. No more hassles.

Comment posted by: TigerTiger
(16 Oct 2022 1:20 PM)

We've had many requests on how best to keep punting and offering adult services safe in this dangerous and unpredictable world we live in so we decided to create a thread dedicated to the topic of "keeping things safe", out there.

We welcome input and comments from ladies offering services as well as clients who punt on a regular basis. It's from life experience that the real truth comes and unfortunately ONLY from bad experiences that we share and learn.

To kick start the concept we would like to focus on keeping your private life private as many a times things go wrong when too much personal information is shared and eventually enters into the wrong hands.

Our tip for today is to have a work phone as well as a private phone if you're a lady from the industry. This will ensure that when your day is done you're able to switch off and carry on with private matters in peace. Your personal phone then takes over and this number remains confidential. For punters we recommend the same, you have one phone for punting and then a personal phone which is exclusively for your private matters only.

Unfortunately giving out private cell phone numbers can only lead to an invasion of privacy and worse. This is sad as the solution is actually soo simple!

We encourage your participation in this thread to help make the industry we so love and enjoy just that little bit safer.

Comment posted by: Pretoria Escorts
(16 Oct 2022 11:01 AM)

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