The Lounge

Limits - by BDSM

Comments (1)

Consent is paramount when experiencing kink, especially for the first time. 

If you’re just getting started, or want to slowly introduce BDSM into an existing relationship, both you and your partner should make a list of your soft and hard limits. 

A soft limit is something that you’re curious about yet unsure if it’s right for you, such as name-calling. A hard limit is something that you are certain is off-limits, such as electrostimulation. Writing out your hard and soft limits with a partner is a wonderful way to get to know another side of each other. 

Along with implementing limits, it’s important to choose a safeword that is not no or stop, because some couples use such language as a part of their role play. Your hard and soft limits will likely evolve the more you explore, so it’s important to keep having these conversations with your partner.

Most of ALL enjoy the experience and remember - CONSENT!

Comment posted by: BDSM
(21 Jan 2023 10:40 AM)

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