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What a nightmare!! - by Mozie

Comments (3)

That's the oldest trick in the book. The next thing you'll be asked to pay for hospital fees for the birth. Request a simple test to prove paternity. On reflection it's hard to comment as there's usually three sides to the story. Hers, yours and the truth.

Comment posted by: Ferdinand_GP
(31 Aug 2023 7:02 AM)

Ah so what is the moral of the story @Mozzie?

I saw a thread on bear backing and it was amazing to see how many people entertain this as an option and then when something goes wrong everyone one want to sit down and put their hands in their hair.

Why don’t you try featherlight condoms you’ll hardly notice the difference.

I can imagine that the fear of falling pregnant in the industry must be huge probably as big as the fear of catching an STD. I am always super cautious and make sure that I have my own protection and I have wet wipes that all my own so I know that everything is clean and hundred percent safe.

Comment posted by: PierreFranco
(12 May 2023 1:21 PM)

I recently got the scare of my life. I had been visiting a lady in Pretoria east for a few weeks on and off and things were going really well. I would see her as often as I could as I reside in Johannesburg so whenever I was in town on business I would make sure to schedule an hour or so with her and the last time I went to go and see her, she advised me that she was late on her period. So naturally I said to her well does she know who the father would be if she was pregnant? She looked me dead in the eye and said well I think it’s you it can only be you.
Obviously I was slightly on the defensive and let her know that I’m sure I’m not the only client that she’s had in the last two months and that I’m probably also not the only client who she entertains bareback with.
It obviously destroyed the relationship and I spent the next couple of days worrying about what could have or might have been.
This morning I get a WhatsApp from her stating that she is very sorry for having accused me and she did a pregnancy test and it has been established that she is in fact not pregnant.
I haven’t replied, And needless to say I won’t be going back to her again.
I promise you that was a nightmare never to be forgotten.

Comment posted by: What a nightmare!!
(12 May 2023 9:23 AM)

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